I am machine learning research scientist and Director of Engineering at Qualcomm AI Research. I am doing research on machine learning design for wireless communication, learning theory and machine learning for inverse problems. My research interests include also information theory, compressed sensing and mathematical signal processing.

Prior to Qualcomm, I have been a senior researcher at Institute for Theoretical Information Technology in RWTH Aachen University and TU Berlin.

I studied Philosophy at Pantheon-Sorbonne university, where I have worked with Friederike Moltmann . My interests are philosophy of language and ontology, as well as historical epistemology and philosophy of mind. I am always interested in political philosophy and its connection with these themes.

I have received Best Technical Paper Award for the paper "A Compressed Sampling for Spherical Near-Field Measurements" at the 40th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA 2018) and Best student paper award for the paper "On Generation of Adversarial Examples Using Convex Programming", co-authored wotj Emilio Balda and Rudolf Mathar - the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2018.


  • PhD in electrical engineering - information theory, 2012

    Ecole superieure d'electricite (Supelec - now CentraleSupelec)

  • Master in Philosophy, 2011

    Universite de Paris 1- Pantheon Sorbonne

  • M.Sc. in electrical engineering (communication systems), 2007

    Sharif University of Technology

  • B.Sc. in electrical engineering (communication systems), 2005

    Sharif University of Technology